The Way Life Goes….

It has been 26 days since I last updated this blog. I apologize for the fact that I am incredibly busy and tend to forget that I should talk about my music on here and not just think about it in my head.

So here is what is going on in my music world right now: I am in need of inspiration. I feel like it is all gone. I used to just think of little lines frequently and try to write songs based on them. That doesn’t seem to happen as often anymore.

I can’t seem to figure out a reason for this. I used to write about love and relationships. No more. I no longer feel the need to write about things like that. But what else is there to write? Everything in the music industry is somehow related to a relationship. There are very few songs I can think of off the top of my head- of course, I am a child who was raised on Chicago, Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, Air Supply, and basically every popular 70s band.

I need to rediscover my inspiration. I’m not sure how to accomplish that yet.
Here are my ideas so far:
1) learn how to play the guitar (once my finger heals and I can use it.)
2) start singing a new genre or learn songs in a different language
3) go back to the times when i sang ALL THE TIME.
4) find someone to keep me accountable to writing/singing
5) find somewhere to be in musicals. i miss being onstage, in costume, singing my heart out to the audience.

I’m going to try to do whatever I can to bring the music back into my soul. I think I am going to find that it never really left, but that I have just lost too much joy to notice it anymore. That is going to change. My eternal life should be the only thing I depend on to bring me joy!

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Would You Dare to Believe That You Still Have a Reason to Sing?

That song is amazing to me right now. Sometimes I think it keeps me going. And it is on basically every time I get in the car, so you know God is trying to tell me something!

Tonight was JT @ Herty. JT = Jesus time. It is a gathering of college kids who just sit around Herty Field and sing. It was only my second time going, but I absolutely love it. I am trying to go as often as I can, and since I don’t have class on Friday, I feel like I can stay without sacrificing sleep.

My inspiration for songs generally comes at night while I’m trying to sleep. I think of a line and it just all tumbles out into my brain. While I have an excellent memory, for some reason I can NEVER remember songs from the night the next morning. Because of that, I usually immediately get up, get my computer, and start letting the song come out of me. This happened last night, of course – after not getting home until midnight and with my alarm set for 8:06 this morning. But I got up anyway. I wrote a song that I like a fair amount, and recorded it using garage band.

That’s not the song I’m going to post on here. You see, when I finally turned off the light and tv, trying to go to bed, another song came to me. This one wasn’t about loving and leaving, but about God’s loving arms and strength and steadfastness. I didn’t want to get up again, but knowing how much trouble I have remembering songs in the morning, I simply prayed that I would remember it. And remember it I did. (Seriously, I can use the word remember a lot more. Just try me).

That is the song I am going to post here. Not right now, because it isn’t recorded yet, but soon! I wrote it all down during my class while my teacher was discussing how to write a thesis statement (really. I’m in grad school. I know how to write a thesis statement). I have been practicing it all day- changing things here and there. It is difficult without an instrument but I’m doing pretty well, I think.

Which brings me back to Jesus Time. Thought I was just going to leave you hanging, right? No way. I’m sitting there on our towel, wrapped in my blanket, listening to this guy I don’t know play songs I don’t know. Then a thought comes into my head: “Why aren’t they singing that song that has been in my head all day?” Answer: Because the song in my head is the one I just wrote. That no one has ever heard. So I had a good laugh over that. So did Sara when I told her later.

The point of this is kind of the following: I have never written a worship song before today. I never thought I could. Like I wasn’t good enough to write songs that might be sung by other people for worship. That somehow the words that I feel and the words that I write aren’t as good as the words that come from the people who have songs constantly playing on the Fish. I’ve finally realized that this just isn’t so. If God has given me the gift of music and singing and expects me to use it to glorify Him, why wouldn’t he expect that from my writing? Or from EVERYTHING in my life? So no more thinking my words aren’t good enough for Him. Even if this song is only heard by me and those of you I share it with, that is good enough for Him. So it is good enough for ME.

So look for the song soon. I am thinking of calling it “All I Need” or “Your Love,” but that could change at any moment.

I hope you all have an amazing first day of October!


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Take Two

Hello, again!

Not much to report today – a lot of studying and school stuff! In regards to the question I posed Sunday, I believe the general consensus is that most people would prefer me to post videos of myself singing. I haven’t been able to start doing this yet – and I feel like it will be a little strange to just record myself – but I’m working on it. And trying to think of more creative ways to have my voice on the page. Maybe just some audio with pictures playing, or me singing with someone else. Something that won’t be as awkward as me just sitting in front of my computer, singing to the webcam.

If you have any ideas, let me know! Or if you have anything you definitely don’t want to see, or any particularly songs you want me to avoid (because if you know me, you know there are PLENTY of songs I really hate), just tell me!


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Welcome to My World!

Hello, all! Since this is my first post on this blog, let’s introduce ourselves.

My name is April, and I sing. For as long as I can remember, I have loved it. My first memory of performing for an audience (besides my parents, sister, and stuffed animals!) is when I was 5. My children’s choir did a concert at Christmas time and I had the solo in “Happy Birthday, Jesus.” And yes, I still remember the words to the song.

Same with basically every other song I have ever had the privilege of singing. Even those that I just sing by, or to, myself. I sang in various things at church and school all through elementary and middle school, even getting picked to come to Athens for an all-state choir. I began to have a part in the drama part of music in 8th grade, when I was old enough to try out for musicals at my high school. I was in musicals like Annie, The Pajama Game, and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (which was my favorite, even though I had a supporting lead role in Pj Game). I also had the opportunity to be a part of my youth group’s choir and praise band, where I got to sing every other Wednesday night and whenever we lead worship on Sunday nights.

In college, I continued my acting and singing for a time, until school and work became too much to juggle with performing. I did get to be in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum as Philia, which was awesome. So was being Terry Thompson in Babes in Arms- one of my favorite roles to date. Especially the “I Wish I Were In Love Again” song where Russell (the guy who played my love interest) and I had a choreographed fight scene.

Since I have been in Athens, however, I have found it very difficult to get involved in worship or musicals. Not knowing about opportunities, not being a part of the groups who get chosen for things, having school work and SAO stuff to do…..everything. But that ends now, I hope. I haven’t exactly decided what I want this blog to BE yet. Should I post videos of myself singing? Should I talk about my struggles and problems during this journey? Should I do something completely different from both of those things?

I don’t know. But you know what you want to read, and what you want to tell your friends to read. So let me know!

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